Lincoln Military Housing staff at Silver Strand’s Youth Center were recognized as local heroes by their community for their “their tremendous service to our community and nation” during the coronavirus crisis.

More from The Coronado Times:

Rashida Cooper and her staff at the Youth Center at Lincoln Military Housing at Silver Strand. Nominated by Jennifer Moore, for caring for children of essential employees with the U.S. Navy.

‘Rashida and her staff are truly unsung heroes and our partners in educating, championing, and loving many military-connected students at Silver Strand,’ says Jennifer. ‘Many people do not know that this facility serves students TK through 12th grade before and after school (early and late hours) and including on holidays. As essential employees they have been working full-time while our schools are closed and while their parents, also essential employees, serve our country. During regular school days I am witness to a warm hand-offs between our staff and theirs before and after school….I hope that you will recognize their tremendous service to our community and nation…and the future leaders of our country!’”


Lincoln Military Housing is now Liberty Military Housing, an employee-owned company.